
HALLOWEEN Special......


HALLOWEEN Special......

Monarch Rain chains leads in style and design concept of rain chains whose claim to fame originated in Japan hundreds of years ago. The Japanese realized the importance of water conservation and collected rain water from rooftops of temples in large barrels for reuse at a later time. We expanded upon this simple Japanese concept which they referred to as "kusari doi" by offering a large selection of link and cup style chains to efficiently transport rain water. Our large cup and X Large cups allow for minimal splashing and the water can be collected at ground level into large...

GREAT DEALS ON Monarch rain chains


GREAT DEALS ON Monarch rain chains

Copper rain chains from Monarch rain chains gives you "Great Deals" on 100% pure copper rain chains.  Rainchains is a very pleasing and aesthetically beautiful substitute for downspouts.  We urge you to remove your old plastic, unattractive downspout  and replace it with our cup style or link style rain chain inspired by nature's flora.  Our cup styles are almost exotic in their detailing and curves. The wide mouth captures maximum rain water and tapers down gracefully and chanels the water into the next cup ...this water movement creates a majical tinkling sound which is soothing in nature.  The melodious sound of...
