Memorial Day Resolutions for 2015

With Memorial Day approaching May 25th, it might be easy for many to bear in mind the day off we have from work, school or other obligations and forget the cause behind the “day off”. It is much more than a day off but a remembrance of those who fought to safeguard our freedom and safety over the course of the nation’s history. To forget the sacrifices made and the toils of fighting a war is to depreciate and reduce the freedom we enjoy. Like all important liberties and privileges we take for granted, it takes work and a big sacrifice to reap the benefits. The service of all of the armed forces throughout the years teaches us about the nobility and respectability of rendering service to a cause that is for the benefit and greater good of all. Inspired by this great call to action, it helps us to think of ways we can provide service for the greater good of mankind. Service can come in any form and take place virtually anywhere, even a virtual cyberspace. Today more than ever, many communities around the nation and world are providing enough reasons to think green and act green in our everyday lives. The usefulness and practicality of rain chains offer individuals a new way of seeing green and reducing their carbon footprint in a creative and beautifying way. Monarch Rain Chains Memorial Day Sales[/caption] A call to taking action in supporting the green revolution has never been more dier. With depleting resources and a changing physical landscape, never before has service and action in the area of environmental protection been more important. Many areas in our nation are experiencing the worst droughts on record. This alarming reality is an invitation for everyone to take part in reducing water waste and begin seeing our natural resources as precious ones. For homeowners, rethinking and reinventing the way our home handles rain water is a huge step and victory towards conserving and even redirecting water in a useful way. While some homes may simply wish to re-direct water that will benefit another area of the home. Rain Chains have a beautiful solution to this and offer a beautifying effect on the home’s exterior as well. With a rain chain you not only put out something good for the environment since you are using copper which is amongst the top recyclable matrials, but your home also gets something in return- a lovely adornment. Rain chains are 100% pure copper and safe for the environment. They offer great solutions and ample creativity for water management results and landscape solutions. With over 38 styles to choose from ranging from cups to links style, it will motivate you to begin your green conservation projects and excite you even more as you envision the embellishing effect it will have on your home. For a more complete and cohesive look, be sure to check out our bundle sets in our existing 10 styles. This Memorial Day take advantage of our special discount and install a rain chain and do your part to conserve rain water by installing a barrel to collect the rain water.