Smart water management with copper rain chains

It is a well known fact there will be scarcity of water over time, so managing rain water smartly will behoove the homeowner. Make your 2012 resolution and support water conservation. Rainwater accumulates on rooftops and can be guided by gutters into rain barrels where it can be stored for further reuse. This concept of utilizing stored rain water originated in Japan hundreds of years ago and continues to this day. Monarch rain chains offers a vast collection of rain chains suitable for any style home - be it contemporary or traditional - we have something for every body. Our rain chains lend themselves to the home and besides adding on the functional aspect they beautify the home as well. Most of our rain chain styles draw inspiration from nature's flora. The open floral cups capture the water and transport it from the gutter to the ground with a magical melodious sound which is very pleasing to the ears. This transported water can be collected into large rain barrels and can be put to further reuse. Check out our NEW ARRIVALS and be the first in your neighborhood to have a piece of art acting as your downspout and moving your water from the gutter down to the ground. Our copper cascading leaves is a pure visual delight; it is an assembly of copper leaves strung into a copper link chain and is fascinating in form and function. Watch as the rain water transforms this assembly into a movement of art as the tinkling water runs down the length and each individual leaf shimmers and dances with the water movement. Check out our website for additional details on the 2012 New introductions... // //
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