Delighted with my lotus rain chain bundle

I wanted to say how happy I am with my purchase of the copper Lotus rain chain bundle. I purchased one along with a small 15”copper anchoring basin and I love how both look great paired together. They both have that beautiful copper natural sheen that is very appealing. Since we get a good amount of rain here in south Florida, I got second thoughts about the size of the basin I got. I got thinking and felt maybe I should have gotten a bigger size basin. I went back to the website on and remember seeing bigger size basins. I really loved the look and shine of the small basin I got so I was pleased to see that there were two other size basins with that exact look. I really love the hammered look- it’s so elegant but not over the top. It has that nice even hammering characteristic that is balanced out quite nicely. I decided to go with the 21”basin and called the customer service line and spoke to a rep who said I could return the basin for a bigger one. They were kind enough to wave restocking fees and shipping so I was really happy about that. Lotus Rain Chain Bundle 4 Pcs[/caption] I was really impressed with the way customer service at monarch rainchains handled everything. They were so very professional and easy to work with. I’m just waiting for my basin to arrive and glad I was still able to exchange the other one. I’ve been reading a lot about our environment and how other states are going through droughts so it made me think twice about conserving natural resources. You just never know when that kind of natural disaster might hit home so it’s good to start preparing now. I’ve got a barrel waiting to be filled up so I can use that water for watering around the yard and using it for other uses around the home. I wish more people knew about the benefits of a rain chain, but I am happy to spread the word in my local community. Thanks for all your help and wonderful products! Leah Vega Fort Lauderdale, FL