Amazing bundle deals on Monarch rainchains !!!

I was really pleased with my rain chain and even more delighted when it arrived quickly, within 3 days. Originally I had placed an order for the copper cascading leaves rain chain. I continued browsing the website on when I noticed that I had missed out on the bundle options. I saw that there was a amazing bundle deal for the cascading leaves and I liked that it came with a basin that connects to the rain chain along with the accessories. I really wanted the whole set and was a bit bummed that I had already placed the order for the cascading leaves. I called the phone number on the website and asked if it would be possible to switch and bill me the difference and the gentleman I spoke to was really kind enough to do so. He told me that it would ship out that day and emailed me my tracking as well. I was so relieved they were kind enough to do that for me especially since I placed the order the previous night. I enjoy looking at my lovely rain chain which is a cluster of leaves on rings and seeing the beauty it brings to my home. I love how the leaves flutter a bit as the water moves down the rain chain. The chain is just gorgeous and looks even better in person. The details are what make it so charming and come to life. I’ve enjoyed seeing how the birds like to come around the basin and drink out of it. It definitely attracts the birds around and brings more of the natural charm of the wild life into my home which I don’t mind at all. Overall I am really pleased with my bundle set. Am really glad I made the last minute switch. I just imagine what I would have missed out on. Thanks again for your assistance and for my beautiful rain chain bundle deal. My husband and I get beautiful compliments regarding our home and I attribute a lot of these to this exotic copper downspout we purchased from you. Margaret Nguyen | Seattle WA